Appendix E: Model bylaws for student chapter

Model Bylaws for Student Chapters

Article I: Name and Affiliation

Section 1. The name of this Chapter shall be: ___________________________________ Student Chapter, and hereinafter referred to as the "Chapter". The Chapter shall maintain affiliation with the Air & Waste Management Association, hereinafter referred to as the "Association", and the following colleges and universities:



Article II: Location

Section 1. The offices of the Chapter shall be located at




(City)(State, Zip)

Article III: Purpose

Section 1. The purposes of the Chapter are:

  1. To provide a common ground where students from various academic disciplines related to air and waste management can advance their understanding of environmental management through an organized exchange of knowledge.
  2. To promote a better understanding of the scope and opportunities in air a waste management.
  3. To present educational programs of general interest topics in the science of air a waste management and other related technological fields.
  4. To promote professional relationship with the professionals in the air and waste management fields.
  5. To encourage its members to participate in Association conferences, meetings and social events.

Article IV: Compatibility with the Association

Section l. The Chapter's Bylaws shall not be in conflict with the Bylaws of the Association.

Section 2. The Chapter shall not adopt any policy that is considered contrary to school policy.

Section 3. The Chapter shall make no endorsement of individuals, actions, devices or achievements except in the interest of the public welfare.

Section 4. The Chapter shall not affiliate with, nor shall it give assistance to sales, political, trade or labor organizations.

Article V: Membership Qualification and Rights

Section l. Any person enrolled in an accredited college or university as a full-time student may become a member of the Chapter by written application using the appropriate A&WMA form. To qualify for Chapter membership, the student must be a student member of the Association.

Section 2. Student members of the Association may become members of the Chapter.

Section 3. All members not in arrears for dues and otherwise in good standing may be present and participate in the discussion or proceedings of any regular, annual or specialty meeting, of the membership, and may vote on all questions and in all elections at such meetings.

Section 4. Chapter membership will not be limited on the basis of age, color, gender, handicapper status, height, marital status, national origin, political persuasion, race, religion, sexual orientation, veteran status, or weight.

Article V: Dues

Section 1. The Association dues and payment shall be ___________________________________________________

Section 2. The Chapter dues and payment shall be ___________________________________________________

Article VI: Government

Section l. These Bylaws shall govern the acts of the Chapter.

Section 2. The officers of the Chapter shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer (add other offices as required). Only students may be officers.

Section 3. The business of the Chapter shall be conducted by the Executive Committee in conformity with these Bylaws.

Section 4. General policies of the Chapter shall be controlled by the Executive Committee through its powers to initiate changes and amend the Bylaws, to establish budget policies, and to review the annual reports of the officers, including the determination of operating policies and control of Chapter property and funds.

Section 5. The method of voting may be determined by the membership.

Section 6. Only students may be voting members. Each member shall be entitled to one vote on all questions submitted to the Chapter.

Section 7. Robert's Rules of Order, Revised, where applicable, shall determine the conduct of business in all of the Chapter ad its governing bodies and committees, except where inconsistent with the Bylaws of the Chapter.

Article VII: Election of Officers

Section l. This section should detail how officers are nominated elected. (Example - only members in good standing may nominate, be nominated, or vote. Elections shall be by secret ballot and require a simple majority of members present. Officers shall be elected at a regularly scheduled membership meeting, publicized at least one month in advance.)

Section 2. The term of office of each officer shall be

  1. President: (example: for one year from April 1 to March 31)
  2. Vice President:
  3. Secretary:
  4. Treasurer:
  5. Add other offices as required.

Section 3. The succession of officers during an incomplete term shall be as follows: Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer may succeed to the next office in order of - graduation or termination of the student in the next highest office. A temporary officer may be elected by the membership to any permanent office.

Section 4. This section should contain a brief statement on how and why a officer may be removed. (Example - an officer failing to maintain membership in good standing, may be removed at any meeting by vote of the general membership.)

Article VIII: Duties of Officers and Standing Committees

Section l. The standing committees of the Chapter shall be the Executive Committee and ___________________________________________________

Section 2. The President shall preside over all Chapter meetings and shall serve as Chair of the Executive Committee.

Section 3. The Vice President shall serve as Chair of the Program Committee and shall preside over Chapter meetings in the absence of the President.

Section 4. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep minutes of all meetings, to notify the membership of all meetings and of other business conducted by the Chapter.

Section 5. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to be the custodian of all Chapter funds, to collect dues and make Chapter disbursements. He/she shall maintain accurate records of the finances of the Chapter and shall render an annual report or such other statements as the Executive Committee or the membership, by resolution, may require.

Section 6. The Executive Committee of the Chapter shall consist of ______ members, including the officers of the Chapter, the Chapter Faculty Advisor, and the Section Chair of the Association, or his duly appointed representative.

Section 7. The Program Committee shall consist of the Vice President and other_________ members appointed by the President and shall be responsible for developing Chapter programs

Article IX: Faculty Advisor

Section l. The faculty advisor to the Chapter shall be elected by the Chapter. The advisor shall be a member in good standing of the Association.

Section 2. In the event the Chapter advisor resigns or otherwise cannot serve, the Chapter President shall notify the Association immediately of said resignation and consult with the Association in the selection of a new advisor.

Article X: Amendment of Bylaws

Section l. Amendment of these Bylaws may be proposed by a petition signed by ________ members of the Chapter. The proposal must be acted on by the Chapter membership at the next regular business meeting.

Section 2. These Bylaws may be amended by the Chapter membership at a regular or special meeting called for that purpose. Upon recommendation by the Executive Committee or upon petitioned by _____________ (enter a number or percentage of) members of the Chapter.

Section 3. This section should define what constitutes quorum for the purpose of amending the Bylaws.

Section 4. No Bylaws proposal shall be acted upon at any of the membership unless __________ (No.) days prior written notice thereof shall be given to the membership.