Pesticides: Non-Toxic Alternatives
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Ants - Pour a line of cream of tartar at the place where they enter the house. The ants will not cross over it. Or you can sprinkle red chili pepper, paprika and/or dried peppermint leaves where the ants are entering the house.

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Caterpillars - Strip old fruit from vines and trees to keep insects from laying their eggs in the old fruit.

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Fleas & Ticks - Feed pets brewer's yeast, Vitamin B or garlic tablets. Herbs such as fennel, rue and rosemary repel fleas. Tie these herbs into a small sachet and hang around your pet's neck. Rub animal's coat with these herbs. Wash animal's bedding and place eucalyptus seeds and leaves where the animal sleeps.

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Roaches - Set out a dish containing equal parts baking soda and powdered sugar. Set out a dish of equal parts oatmeal flour and plaster of paris. Place bay leaves around the cracks in the room. Spread boric acid powder around infested areas.

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Snails and Slugs - Fill a shallow pan with flat beer and place in the infested area.

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Japanese Beetles - Buy pheromone traps that attract and kill beetles.

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General Insect Spray - Blend six cloves of crushed garlic, one minced onion, one tablespoon dried hot pepper and one teaspoon soap in four quarts of water. Steep one to two days. Strain and spray.