Submitting an Article


EM seeks to provide timely, readable, useful, and accurate articles regarding key issues affecting environmental professionals in industry, government, consulting, and academia. Articles can be news-oriented or opinion/editorial-oriented; however, opinion/editorial pieces must be clearly identified as such, and both types of articles need to reflect an adequate degree of professional knowledge and professional style of communication. EM is one of two publications published by A&WMA; the other, the Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, is a technical journal that undergoes a more rigorous scientific peer-review process and has a different set of manuscript preparation and submission guidelines. However, technical information is not excluded from EM; for example, a summary of existing technical information that is useful to decision-makers would be welcome.

Issue Themes/Topics

Each issue of EM has a theme that is the focus of one or more of the articles. A&WMA is always in need of issue "Champions," who identify topics for papers that address the theme, solicit authors, and work with A&WMA staff and the authors to get the papers completed and reviewed in time for publication. Anyone interested in "Championing" an issue should e-mail the following to the Managing Editor (Lisa Bucher,

  1. A clearly identified theme.
  2. The key topics within that theme that the articles would address.
  3. A list of key authors that might be solicited.
  4. The names of potential expert reviewers.

The themes for a given calendar year are finalized by EM's Editorial Advisory Committee (EAC) before August of the preceding calendar year (exceptions are made to capture late-breaking topics).

Peer Review

All EM articles are subject to an informal peer review coordinated or conducted by members of EM's Editorial Advisory Committee (EAC). The Managing Editor makes a publication decision based on review comments. To volunteer as a reviewer, please contact the Managing Editor at

Submission requirements

Articles can be submitted either as e-mail attachment or on disk, preferably in Microsoft Word (6.0 or later). WordPerfect is also acceptable. A PDF may be submitted for review purposes only. Authors must provide an electronic copy once an article has been accepted for publication.

Phone, fax, and e-mail contact information for the corresponding author must be provided, so that we can contact him or her should questions arise concerning the article. Authors will be e-mailed a .pdf of the page proofs of their articles to review before publication and asked to complete and return a "permission to print" form that gives A&WMA permission to publish their work in the magazine and on the A&WMA Web site (

E-mail articles to Lisa Bucher, Managing Editor, at; or send to Air & Waste Management Association, One Gateway Center, 3rd Floor, 420 Ft. Duquesne Blvd., Pittsburgh, PA 15222-1435.

Copy requirements

Unless specifically approved by the Managing Editor, articles must be limited to no more than 1500 words. The opening of the article should identify to readers not familiar with the subject area why they should care about the article, and clearly identify what the reader should expect to get out of the article (e.g., new news, relatively detailed information for those familiar with the topic, or a high-level summary of information for those relatively unfamiliar with the topic). In most cases, effort should be made to provide context for numerical data. Sensationalism should be avoided.

The wording of articles must be geared toward an audience of environmental professionals with a wide variety of backgrounds, not just specialists in a specific area. Also, authors from outside the United States are encouraged to propose articles on topics of interest in their countries. Because there are many non-U.S. readers, the prefix "U.S." should be used in conjunction with references to "The Clean Air Act," "Supreme Court," and "federal" laws or regulations. Case study articles are welcome, as long as the authors identify general lessons that readers can take away from them. Commercialism or self-promotion of a company or product must be avoided.

Articles should be no more than 1500 words in length and contain the following elements:

  • A concise, descriptive title.
  • A byline with the names of all authors in the order in which they are to appear in print.
  • Tables, figures, illustrations, or photos that would enhance or supplement the discussion are strongly encouraged. More information on these guidelines follows.
  • A brief "about the authors" statement, providing the name, title, affiliation, and complete mailing and e-mail addresses and phone number for each author.
  • One-and-one-half-space text, using 12-point Times New Roman typeface. Do not include any complex formatting, headers, or footers.


  • Divide text into major sections (e.g., Background, Discussion, Conclusions) to improve readability.
  • First-level headings are bold, in all capital letters, and flush left.
  • Second-level headings are bold, in initial capital letters, and centered.
  • Third-level heading are bold, initial capital letters, and flush left; this heading should be followed by a period, two spaces, and the subsequent text.


  • Do not use an automatic footnoting or referencing function. Reference numbers must appear in consecutive order as they are cited in the text, using Arabic numeral superscripts.
  • Use the reference style guidelines listed in The ACS Style Guide (3rd Edition, Anne M. Coghill, Lorrin R. Garson, eds.; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2006).
  • List all authors in references; avoid using "et al.".
  • Provide complete information for all references, including full titles for papers/presentations and full names of organizations/publishers.


  • Group tables together at the end of the manuscript. Do not embed tables within the text.
  • Number all tables consecutively in Arabic numerals as they are cited within the text.
  • All tables require captions; list the caption above the corresponding table.
  • Footnotes can be used within tables; mark them within the table as superscript letters, and place the actual note(s) below the table (preceded by the appropriate superscript letter).


  • All electronic figures must be submitted as either .TIFF or .EPS and should have a print resolution of at least 300 dpi (minimum) at the size they are to be printed (i.e., single-column width = 3.5 inches minimum; double-column width/full page width = 7 inches minimum). Other types of files, such as PowerPoint, are difficult to reproduce and may not be useable by EM designers.
  • Original line drawings are acceptable, as long as they are of high quality for reproduction (bitmap resolution should be at least 300 dpi, or 100% of the image's intended size). Photocopies cannot be substituted for originals. Remember: The better the quality of the original, the better the quality of the printed figure.
  • Number all figures consecutively in Arabic numerals as they are cited within the text.
  • Include captions for all figures.
  • Group figures captions together at the end of the manuscript. Electronic figures should be submitted as separate files. Please do not embed figures within the Word document.
    NOTE: Figures may be withdrawn from publication if they are not submitted in the correct format for printing.

Photos and Illustrations

  • Photos (or slides) and illustrations should be submitted in .TIF or .EPS format and should be accompanied by hardcopies (for comparative purposes or, if necessary, scanning).
  • Include captions (and credits, where necessary) for all photos or illustrations.


EM is a four-color publication. We strongly encourage authors to submit all accompanying figures/graphics in color. There is no fee to print color figures/graphics.


EM is a copyrighted publication of the Air & Waste Management Association (A&WMA), all rights reserved. The information contained in this publication is protected by the copyright laws of the United States of America and may not be republished, reproduced, displayed, transmitted, or broadcast without prior written permission from A&WMA. Copyright to individual articles is maintained by the author(s).


If you have additional questions regarding manuscript submission or editorial style, please contact Lisa Bucher, Managing Editor, at 1-412-904-6023;