Student News

Career Center   Scholarships
MentorNet Student Chapters
Student Member Graduation 
Student Membership Benefits

Attention Students!

Award Opportunities for students at A&WMA's 2009 Annual Conference and Exhibition:

Award Name


Due Date

Student Type

Platform Paper Award



Master, Doctoral

Student Poster Contest



Master, Doctoral, Undergrad

Masters and Doctoral Thesis Awards



Master, Doctoral

Environmental Challenge International (ECi)



Master, Doctoral, Undergrad

New: The due date for the Student Chapter Report (currently May 15) has now been changed to March 17 to correspond with the due date of the Chapter Annual Report. (and NOT your finals!)
Even Better News!  We want to reward you for your efforts:
                1st Place- $200 voucher for Association logo or Online Library merchandise
                2nd Place- $100 voucher for Association logo or Online Library merchandise
                3rd Place- $50 voucher for Association logo or Online Library merchandise
                Award Guidelines
                Appendix F -- Student Chapter Profile

Find background and a comprehensive listing of innovative full-time MBA programs leading the way in the integration of issues concerning social and environmental stewardship into the curriculum.  Click here!

Benefits of Student Membership:

Annual Conference & Exhibition Student Program

Specialty Conferences and Workshops

  • Discounted registration fees


  • Awards range from ~$2,000 - $7,500

Student Chapter Awards

  • Outstanding achievement by student chapters recognized each year at the Honors & Awards Luncheon held during the Annual Conference & Exhibition

Online Library

  • A&WMA student members get full access to all content in the Online Library, including unlimited downloads of thousands of articles from conference proceedings, EM, and the Journal

Graduation Gift for Student Members

  • Free one-year A&WMA electronic membership available to graduating seniors (undergraduate, masters, or doctoral candidates)
  • Gift provides full access to all areas on the Association's Web site, including the Journal and EM

General Membership Benefits
Access the Career Center

  • Including Career Resources, Job Listings, and Web Resources


  • A one-on-one mentoring program that pairs engineering and science students as proteges with male or female professionals from all sectors.

     Jumpstart your career by gaining international recognition as you present your technical
     paper at the Annual Conference or a specialty conference.

     and a great resume builder!